Saturday, May 29, 2010

All About Evan

My mom and Evan, this was the first outfit we got to put on him.

Us on Evans blessing day.

Leif and Kylie seeing Evan for the first time.

Farmor (grandma) Arrhenius holding Evan. This was the beginning time of his chunkiness.

I went up a few times a day to sit with Evan, and I could only hold him "Kangaroo" or "skin to skin" once a day at first, then twice a day, until he began to learn to nurse.

One of the first times I helped to give Evan a bath. Those are the nurses and my moms hands.

Erik and Evan in their "Swedish" outfits. May 2010

My mom and I with a very small Evan, a couple of days after his birth.

Evan under the Bilurubin Lights (for jaundice) Note the largeness of the binki next to his tiny mouth. He could still take a normal sized binki! Amazing to me!

Nik and I visiting Evan (one of the first times I saw him)

1 comment:

Julie said...

He is such a sweetie! Both of your boys are. What a scary thing to go through. I am glad he is home now. Congratulations!